The listening module takes around 40 minutes. There are nearly 40 questions. There are four sections of increasing difficulty. The Test recording is played once only.
As you listen to each section, you will be given time to read the questions and write your answers on the question paper. At the end of section 4, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the listening Answer Sheet. Do note that you do not have an extra 10-minute time transfer time in case of IELTS on the computer.
Section 1: It is concerned with social situations and needs. There is a conversation between two speakers e.g. opening a bank account, asking directions, or consulting a doctor.
Section -2: It is also concerned with social situations and needs. It includes- a monologue- e.g. a tour of a museum or information on part-time English courses, etc.
Section 3: It is concerned with study-related topics, mini-lectures, or talks with an educational or training focus. It includes a conversation having up to 4 people, talking about for example School Project. A range of accents and dialects are used in the recordings including Australian, British, American, etc. which reflect the international usage of IELTS.
Section 4: It is also concerned with lectures or talks. It includes a monologue, where for example, a lecturer is talking on a general academic topic.
A variety of questions are asked, such as
- Short Answers
- Multiple Choice Questions
- Matching
- Classification
- Summary Completion
- Labeling a diagram which has numbered parts
- Notes / Summary/ sentence or gap filling
- Table Completion/ Form Completion
- Map
Listening Tips and Techniques
- Read the questions carefully before the start of each section and highlight keywords what you are about to hear and what you need to listen for. This will help you to identify the answers easily.
- Once a section is complete, you can move ahead and read up the questions for the next section.
- If you know the question, then you will know what to listen for. Listen out for linking words.
- Follow the instructions carefully. Note the word limits for each section. If an instruction says, ’Write no more than two words’, stick to it.
- Look out for the keywords and synonyms (words or phrases that have similar or the same meaning) from the question. This can help identify the answer.
- Listen carefully for words indicating the stage of the recording you are listening to, e.g. Firstly….my next point is…to sum up. These words help identify which question you have reached.
- Check your spelling and Grammar. Small mistakes can count as big. If the answer is to be given in plural, write in plural form only, if the unit has to be written, e.g. $
- Look for synonyms of keywords in questions.
- Transfer your answers quickly but carefully.
- If you have to mention dates in any answer, remember there are various ways to do so (e.g. May 10,10th May and 10 May-all are correct)
- When you do Practice Tests, only listen once. Get used to it.
- Try and identify your listening weaknesses and work on improving those areas.
- Practice different types of listening situations (lectures, conversations, chatting, etc.
- If you miss an answer, don’t panic. Move on to the next so that you can maximize the number of correct answers you get for the remaining questions.
- Don’t listen for enjoyment. Your purpose is to answer
The questions only.
- Don’t worry if you can’t understand or hear every word. Remember that the rhythm of spoken English means that the most important words are always stressed the most.
- Do not leave any space on your answer sheet. You don’t lose marks for wrong answers.
Asta Achievers in Gurgaon offers comprehensive IELTS coaching designed to prepare students for the Listening module of the test, which is a critical component of the IELTS examination. The Listening module, with a duration of approximately 40 minutes, consists of four sections of increasing difficulty, totaling nearly 40 questions. The recordings played during the test feature a variety of accents and dialects to reflect the international nature of the English language, encompassing Australian, British, American, and more Asta Achiever is one of the top-notch education platforms that provides IELTS, OET classes, PTE classes, and speaking English courses in Gurgaon.
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